Middle East Technical University [Orta Doğu Teknik Universitesi (ODTÜ) in Turkish] is placed among the top 60 universities in the "World Reputation Rankings 2013", recently announced by the Times Higher Education (THE). ODTÜ moved up in this year’s list to rank in the 51-60 band of universities.
The "World Reputation Rankings 2013" includes universities that are identified as "excellent" in research and education by academics from various countries. The rankings are based on the "Thomson Reuters’ Academic Reputation Survey 2012" (March - April 2012) contributed by approximately 17,000 academics from 144 countries. The academics are selected and invited by THE and Thompson Reuters on the basis of their experience (average of 17 years) and number of publications. In this survey to "provide the definitive list of the top 100 most powerful global university brands", the respondents were asked to name no more than 15 universities they believe to be the best based on their own experience, and to answer questions such as "Which university would you send your most talented graduates to for the best postgraduate supervision?".
When ODTÜ entered THE "Top Universities by Reputation" list last year (2012), it was the first and only Turkish university to be included in the top 100 world universities. ODTÜ's rank moved up by approximately 40 places from the 91-100 band in last year’s rankings to the 51-60 band this year. ODTÜ remains the only Turkish university in the "World Reputation Rankings 2013" as well.
As in the previous years, developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Australia have the highest representation in the 2013 list. Universities from only 20 countries appear in the 2013 rankings, and countries such as Italy, Spain, India, Austria, Ireland, Greece, Denmark, Portugal, Norway and Mexico do not have universities in the list. ODTÜ’s inclusion and advancement in the "Top 100 Universities by Reputation 2013" list is seen as a major source of prestige for Turkey as well as for our University.
This result parallels the significant increase in international demand for ODTÜ's degree programs, rapid rise in the research activity, scientific publications and citations of our faculty members, and our national and international collaborations.
I congratulate and express our sincere thanks to our faculty members, administrative staff, students and alumni for their contribution to this important outcome.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Acar