English Times Higher Education (THE) has announced the results of "World University Rankings Top 400 2012-2013" on October 3rd, 2012. Five Turkish universities are included in the list which ranks California Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Oxford University as first, second and third.
No Turkish universities were placed in the first 200 this year. While the first 200 universities were ranked ordered by their scores, the ones after 200were grouped and listed alphabetically within their groups. METU was placed in the 201-225, Bilkent University and Koç University were placed in the 226-250 and Boğaziçi University and İTÜ were placed in the 276-300 groups.
The criteria used in THE rankings are "Research (budget and reputation)", "Impact of Research (citations)", "Teaching and learning environment", "Income from the industry" and "International dimension". The overall ranking score is determined by taking the weighted mean of the scoresof these criteria. With respect to the overall score achieved, METU ranked 203rd, Bilkent University ranked 238th, Koç University ranked 242nd, Boğaziçi University ranked 276th and İTÜ ranked 290th in the world.
Amongst the five Turkish universities, METU, achieved the highest scores in "Research (budget and volume)" and "Teaching: the learning environment" criteria, Koç University, in "Impact of research" and "International dimension" criteria, and İTÜ, in "Industry income: innovation" criteria. The data about "Research", "Teaching and learning environment" and "Impact of research" criteria are mostly collected from THE general databases and surveys while "Income from the industry" and "International dimension" criteria depend mostly on universities' declarations. I congratulate our academic and administrative personnel, who continuously put effort into the improvement of Middle East Technical University, and express my gratitude to them.
With Regards,
Prof.Dr. Ahmet Acar
The President of METU