Dormitories |
Directorate of Dormitories |
Address : |
Dormitory 2 Building Base Floor |
Tel : |
0 312 210 30 00 |
Fax : |
0 312 210 79 80 |
E-Mail : |
dorm |
URL : | |
General Information |
There are 19 dormitory buildings run by the METU Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports.
Male students can stay in the Dormitories 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, and İsa Demiray Dormitory, in addition to a certain block allocated to them in Dormitory 19, and Refika Aksoy Dormitory. Female students can stay in the Dormitories 1, 3, 5, 7, and Faika Demiray Dormitory, in addition to a certain block allocated to them in Dormitory 19, and Refika Aksoy Dormitory.
As for the guest houses, Osman Yazıcı Guest House, Guest House 12, and Dormitory 16 are allocated for female students, while Faik Hızıroğlu Guest House and Guest House 15 are allocated for male students.
The Office of Dormitories, with the aim of solving our students' accommodation issues by offering a high standard service, obtained TSE-EN ISO 9001-2000 certificate of quality from the Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) in 2005. Regarding the quality of our dormitory services, the inspections carried out in 2021 in accordance with the TSE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standards were completed with success.
The services provided by our unit are carried out according to the procedures, instructions, duties, and responsibilities determined within the Dormitory Regulations, Student Discipline Regulations of the higher education institutions, decisions taken by the Executive Board of Dormitories, and the certificates of quality.
Therefore, every year, the Executive Board of Dormitories evaluates the dormitory applications of students based on the current capacity of dormitories, the number of applications, and the conditions for staying in the dormitories established in accordance with the aforementioned regulations and approved by the Rectorate. Then, the registration procedures of the students whose applications are accepted are conducted.
We endeavor to provide 24/7 uninterrupted service that includes an environment of respect, love, equality and trust in our dormitories with an understanding that prioritizes a service that is high-quality, transparent, modern but at the same time adherent to the traditions of METU, which can only be achieved with a team spirit.
Facilities in the Dormitories |
There is a mini-fridge in each room. For each student, a studying desk, a chair, a closet for clothes, and a closet for shoes are provided in each room. In addition, the dormitory offers students a bedding set consisting of bed sheet, blanket and pillow. Students can also bring and use their own bedding sets if they prefer to do so (but in this case, washing and cleaning these bedding sets will be their responsibility). In our dormitories, there are common studying rooms, TV rooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens as well as another common room for students of the Department of Architecture so that they can carry out their activities such as drawing. A sufficient number of automatic washing machines, dryers, irons, and ironing boards are available to students in the laundry rooms.
The bedding sets in the room are changed periodically, but if need be, they can be changed outside their regular cycle as well. These bedding sets are washed and ironed in the laundry room, where industrial washing machines are used. There is hot water in our dormitories ready for use 24/7.
Transportation |
There are buses and minibuses operating between the city center and the dormitories between the hours 07.00 and 24.00. Besides, there also are ring busses that operate between dormitories and departments.
Application for Dormitories |
Students whose family resides outside of Ankara can apply for the dormitories. Students who start our university this year, if they want to stay in our dormitories, must fill out the dormitory-related sections on the YKS Registration Program website during their university registration process and thus complete their applications.
Evaluation of the Applications |
The economic and social situation of each student's family who applies for dormitories is investigated through local administration units. This information obtained from the local authorities and the students' scores/rankings according to YKS are taken into consideration to create an overall score for each student in accordance with the criteria determined by the Executive Board of Dormitories and approved by the Rectorate. The results of applications are announced on the Office of Dormitories website. After learning their scores, students can learn when they can register for the dormitories and the dates for the next student placement through the announcement tables regarding registrations.
The students who have the following ranking success in YKS Exam are placed in the METU dormitories without further consideration of other criteria: ranking in the top 4,000 in Quantitative Field, ranking in the top 500 in Equal Weight Field, ranking in the top 300 in Verbal Field, and ranking in the top 100 in Foreign Language Field.
Registration for Dormitories |
The placement of students to the dormitories are carried out according to their scores. Each week, considering how many rooms and beds remain vacant, new students with lower scores are placed. This placement process continues until all the students, who applied for the dormitories within the application dates, are listed. When a student is entitled to register for the dormitory, they are expected to gather all the required documents and submit them to the Office of Dormitories to complete the registration process.
The Right to Stay in the Dormitory |
Your right to stay in the dormitory is calculated by adding one year to the rest of your regular education period.
Entry to the Dorm |
The Right To Stay |
Prep. School : |
5+1=6 |
1st year : |
4+1=5 |
2nd year : |
3+1=4 |
3rd year : |
2+1=3 |
4th year : |
1+1=2 |
Notice: The stay of those students will be rendered void, if they have no more rights to stay in the dorm.
The Status of The Students Who Did Not Register Within the Specified Dates |
The student, who had the right to register to the dormitories according to the general points announced, but did not register within the specified deadlines, loses the right to register himself/herself with this general point announced for him/her on the list. In this case the students' points will be calculated again according to late application situation.
The Regulations in the Dorms |
METU student dormitories are managed, run and controlled according to the rules in the Dormitory Regulations. The Dormitory Regulations can be read from bulletin boards of every dorm. We recommend our students to read these regulations. Moreover, the written information about the regulations in the dorms is handed to the students during registrations to the dorms.
Every student has the right to go on a leave for 15 days within a semester other than the weekends and holidays. The students, who will use their leave, should fill out a form, which can be obtained from the dormitory office. The students below the age of 18 should bring a note of permission from their parents to be able to use their leaves. The related form can be obtained from the Directorates of the Dormitories.
- Latest entrance hour to the Dormitories
The students residing at the dorms should be within the campus at 23.30. The latest time to enter the dorms is 24.00.
- Staying at the Dorms During Holidays
The students, whose education continue during the holidays (due to summer school, project, internship etc.), should present their reasons to stay with an authorized letter.
Around the dormitories, there are basketball courts, volleyball grounds, football fields, tennis courts, open and closed swimming pools, and 2 gyms (which are open till 23.00)
When the students use the dormitory address, they should indicate the number of the dormitory, the number of the room and the number of their bed.
Telephones |
Dormitory 1 : Dormitory 2 : Dormitory 3 : Dormitory 4 : Dormitory 5 : Dormitory 6 : Dormitory 7 : Dormitory 8 : Dormitory 9 : |
210 62 50 - 210 62 51 - 210 62 52 210 62 53 - 210 62 54 - 210 62 55 210 62 56 - 210 62 57 - 210 62 58 210 62 59 - 210 62 60 - 210 62 61 210 62 62 - 210 62 63 - 210 62 64 210 62 65 - 210 62 66 - 210 62 67 210 62 68 - 210 62 69 - 210 62 70 210 62 71 - 210 62 72 - 210 62 73 210 62 74 - 210 62 75 - 210 62 76 |
Osman Yazıcı Girls' Guest House : |
210 62 77 - 210 62 78 - 210 62 79 |
Faik Hızıroğlu Boys' Guest House : |
210 62 83 - 210 62 84 - 210 62 85 |
Guest House 12 : |
210 62 80 - 210 62 81 - 210 62 82 |
Guest House 15 : |
210 38 76 - 210 38 80 – 210 38 86 |
ODTÜKENT Guest House: |
210 65 02 - 210 65 03 |
EBİ Guest House : |
210 14 00 - 210 38 86 |
Guest House 16 : |
210 15 91 |
İsa Demiray Dormitory : |
210 62 86 - 210 62 87 - 210 62 88 |
Faika Demiray Dormitory : |
210 62 89 - 210 62 90 - 210 62 91 |
Refika Aksoy Dormitory : |
210 62 92 - 210 62 93 - 210 62 94 |
The Units Subordinate to Office of Social Facilities |
The accommodation units subordinate to Office of Social Facilities are listed below:
- Guest House
- Aysel Sabuncu Yaşam Merkezi
- Uludağ and Elmadağ Facilities
- Guest Residences
- Personnel residences
You can find detailed information from the address
Office of Social Facilities |
Tel : |
0 312 210 28 90 0 312 210 28 91 0 312 210 28 92 |
Fax : Reservation Fax : |
0 312 210 28 93 0 312 210 11 05 [General Secretary] |