- Accounting, Controlling & Reporting Office
- Budgeting & Performance Programming Office
- Internal Control & Pre-Financial Control Office
- Executive Assistant's Office
- Office of Alumni Affairs
- Office of Bookstore
- Office of Building Maintenance
- Office of Cafeterias
- Office of Central Heating & Water Support
- Office of Culture and Convention Center
- Office of Cultural Affairs
- Office of Documents & Archives
- Office of Domestic Services
- Office of Dormitories
- Office of Electrical Works
- Office of External Purchases
- Office of Forestation & Landscape Planning
- Office of Internal Purchases
- Office of Kindergarten
- Office of Mechanical Workshops
- Office of Swimming Pools
- Office of Public Relations
- Office of Revolving Funds
- Office of Social Facilities
- Office of Sports
- Office of Telephony
- Office of Transportation
- Strategic Management & Planning Office