Dear ODTÜ Members,
The 60th Anniversary of the founding of our University will be celebrated at the ODTÜ DAY ceremony to be held on Friday, 27 May 2016.
During the first part of the ODTÜ DAY ceremony, which will start at 10:30, the ODTÜ Outstanding Achievement and ODTÜ Appreciation Awards determined with the decision of our University’s Senate will be presented. It is required that our academic personnel attend this part of the ceremony in their academic gowns.
During the second part of the ceremony, which will start at 14:30, along with the Turan Baskan Awards, plaques of service will be presented to our academic and administrative personnel who have retired after serving our university for 20 years or more, and certificates of service will be presented to our members who have completed their 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th and 40th year of service.
All our academic and administrative members of staff, their families, our students and alumni are invited to the ODTÜ DAY ceremony.
The Ceremony Program
PART I (10:00– 12:00)
CCC Entrance – West Platform
(Sculptor Mehmet Aksoy) (10:00 – 10:30)
CCC (10:30 – 12:00)
- A Moment of Silence and the National Anthem
- Ahmet Kanneci and the Conservatory Guitar Recital
- Visual Presentation
- President Prof. Ahmet Acar’s Speech
- Senate Outstanding Achievement and Senate Appreciation Award Presentations
Outstanding Achievement Award : Prof. Korkut Boratav
Prof. Ayhan Ulubelen
Appreciation Award : Mehmet Ali Acartürk
Prof. Sevda Bekman
Ayşegül İldeniz
PART II (14:30 – 16:00)
Venue: CCC-Kemal Kurdaş Hall
- A Moment of Silence and the National Anthem
- Visual Presentation
- President Prof. Ahmet Acar’s Speech
- Award Presentations
Turan Baskan Outstanding Achievement Award : Serap Karabayer
Turan Baskan Exemplary Performance Award : Alper Atasever
Sündüs Aydın
Bayram Bozkurt
Muteber Gökırmak
Şükrüye Gündüz
Yasemin Koçak
Mustafa Öztürk
Turan Baskan Encouragement Award : Berkan Başoğlu
Yılmaz Çalışkan
Hayrullah Sarıkaya
Özgür Sayın
Gülercan Tek
Plaques and Certificates of Service