1. TÜBİTAK projelerinde kimler araştırmacı olabilir?

Proje yürütücüsü tarafından önerilen ve TÜBİTAK tarafından onaylanan kişiler, TÜBİTAK projelerinde araştırmacı olarak yer alabilirler. Bu kişilerin;

- Kurum içinden veya dışından olmaları TÜBİTAK projelerinde yer almaları konusunda bir engel teşkil etmemektedir.

- 2547 Sayılı kanuna tabi olmaları veya hiçbir yerde çalışmıyor olmaları gerekmektedir.

2. TÜBİTAK projelerinde kimler bursiyer olarak çalışabilir?

TÜBİTAK projelerinde, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrencileriyle, doktora sonrası araştırmacılar bursiyer olarak görev alabilmektedirler. Bu şartları sağlayan öğrenci ve araştırmacıların;

  • Herhangi bir yerde çalışıp çalışmamaları, bursiyer olmaları konusunda engel teşkil etmemektedir.
  • Eğitimlerine/araştırmalarına projenin yürütüldüğü üniversitede devam etmeleri şartı yoktur.

3. TÜBİTAK projelerinde yabancı uyruklu öğretim üyeleri çalışabilir mi?

Yabancı uyruklu öğretim üyeleri, AB projelerinde ücret alarak çalışamazlar. TÜBİTAK projelerinde ise, başvurulacak projedeki başvuru dökümanlarından "Türkiye’de İkamet Eden Yabancı Uyruklulara PTİ Ödenebileceğine Dair Onay Belgesi" doldurulup rektör yardımcısının imzasına sunulur. Bu sayede yabancı uyruklu araştırmacı TÜBİTAK projesinde ücret alarak çalışabilir.

4. TÜBİTAK projelerinde yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler çalışabilir mi

TÜBİTAK projelerinde yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler ücret alarak çalışamaz. Ancak, yüksek lisans, doktora ve doktora sonrası eğitime devam edenlere burs ödemesi yapılabilir.

5. TÜBİTAK 1007- Kamu Projeleri’nde personel çalıştırılabilir mi?

TÜBİTAK 1007 Kamu Projelerinde, kurum içinden veya dışından personel çalıştırılabilir.

  • Kurum içinden veya başka bir kurum adına çalışan personel, 2547 sayılı Yüksek Öğretim Kanunu’na tabi araştırmacı olarak çalıştırılabilir.
  • Hiçbir yerde çalışmayan destek personeli ya da araştırmacı sosyal güvenliği sağlanarak SSK'lı olarak çalışabilir.


6. How are the invited foreign researchers employed in Marie Curie Actions?

The institution that invites foreign researchers acquires Employment Permit and Certificate for the researcher from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The researcher is employed as having the social security insurance (SSK).

7. What kind of agreement is concluded in Marie Curie Actions between METU and those researchers having PhDs, but not employed at METU?

The aim in personnel employment under Marie Curie Actions is to employ the researcher by incorporating him/her into the social security system (SSK). Therefore, a service contract is concluded between METU as the host institution and the researcher.

8. Can researchers who continue with their education receive scholarships within the framework of Marie Curie Actions?

Scholarship payments to these researchers can only be made with the approval of the coordinator. However, the researcher is responsible for his/her own individual health insurance.

9. How is the stipend of the personnel calculated?

When the stipend of the project personnel is calculated,

  • If they are not employed by a public organisation, it is calculated after deducting the social security contribution, income tax and stamp tax from their gross payment.
  • If they are employed by a public organisation or as academic personnel in a public university, the stipend calculation is made after deducting the income and stamp taxes only.


10. How many international research projects are going on/ completed in METU?

Researchers can find the updated list of completed and ongoing international research projects from the Office of EU Affairs webpage.

11. How many projects are funded by TÜBİTAK in METU?

The list of TÜBİTAK-funded projects is available at http://www.metu.edu.tr/tr/researchers/odtude-yurutulen-projeler

12. Can I get support to fill in Part A during the project proposal submission process?

Part A is about the Administrative Information. In this part, general information about METU is to be filled in. This information can be provided by the Office of EU Affairs.

Please contact the Office: http://www.pdo.metu.edu.tr/

13. What does Office of EU Affairs do?

Office of EU Affairs can provide the researchers with the information about all administrative issues during the project proposal writing and submission processes.

14. What kinds of info or forms are provided by the Office of EU Affairs?

Office of EU Affairs can supply info to the project proposal writers about the; PIC number, VAT number, LEAR and the Signing Authority.

The Office can also provide the following forms:

• Sample Grant Agreement Preparation Forms (A2.1-A2.5 Forms)

• Public Entities Form (required also for other international/national projects)

• Financial Identification Form

• Law on the Establishment of METU

• Commitment of the Host Institution

• Support Letter

• Sworn Statements

• Financial and Personnel Information

15. Can I get support about the financial issues regarding FP7 projects?

You can get information about the financial issues from the EU and TÜBİTAK Projects Office (Phone: 210 38 60) both prior to and following project proposal submission. Support is also given during the lifetime of the project concerning the accounting issue.

Before submitting your proposal, please make sure that you read the documents in detail providing information about financial issues in detail.

16. Can I get support about the personnel employment and related costs and payments in EU and TÜBİTAK projects?

Since this is an important issue in EU and TÜBİTAK projects, researchers are expected to get in touch with the related office beforehand. For personnel related issues, TUBİTAK and EU Projects Office, Project Personnel Management Unit (210 35 95) can be contacted.

17. What is the ratio of overhead in FP 7 projects?

METU as a public body within the framework of research projects benefits from the transitional flat rate of 60 % of the total project budget until the beginning of 2010 under FP7. In Ideas and People Programmes, the project budget covers all direct and indirect costs. However, in Coordination and Support Actions, the overhead is limited to 7% (standard flat rate) of the project budget.

18. What percentage of the requested budget does EU funding cover?

In research and technology projects, 75% of the project budget is funded bu EU. In Coordination and Support Actions, as well as the projects under Ideas and People Programmes, all direct and indirect costs are funded by the Commission.

19. Who is the Authorised Representative in METU?

Prof. Dr. M. Volkan Atalay- Vice President

Project forms need to be signed by the authorised representative.

20. Who is the LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) in METU?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrem Dikmen Toker-Assistant to the President is the contact point of the organisation with respect to legal information on the organisation.

21. What is the PIC (Participant Identification Code)?

All organisations participating in FP7 has been assigned a PIC to be used in all proposals submissions and negotiations. METU’s PIC number is 999 643 492.

22. What is the VAT (Value Added Tax) number?

The VAT number of METU is TR6320050974.