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22 Ekim 2015 Perşembe günü saat 14.00’da Kültür Kongre Merkezi Kemal Kurdaş Salonu’nda ODTÜ 60. Yıl Davetli Konuşmacılar Dizisi Güz Programı kapsamında İngiltere Lancaster Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi Prof. Dr. Robert D. Jessop "New Forms of Political Capitalism and Crises of the State” başlıklı bir konferans verecektir. Sayın Jessop'un biyografisi ve etkinlik posteri aşağıda yer almaktadır.
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Bob Jessop is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Co-Director of the Cultural Political Economy at Lancaster University, England. He studied sociology at Exeter University and has a PhD from the Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge University. He is best known for his contributions to state theory, heterodox political economy, critical governance studies, the analysis of welfare state restructuring, and the critique of neoliberalism. He recently completed a 3.5 year professorial research fellowship exploring the North Atlantic Financial Crisis and the Eurozone crisis from a cultural political economy perspective, investigating both the structural roots of the crisis and the struggle to interpret and manage the crisis. The results of this research have been published in journal articles and book chapters. Other recent work includes:Beyond the Regulation Approach: Putting Capitalist Economies in their Place (2006, co-authored with Ngai-Ling Sum), State Power: A Strategic-Relational Approach (2007), El Estado como relacíon social (2012),Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy (2013, co-authored with Ngai-Ling Sum), Cultures of Finance and Crisis Dynamics (2014, co-editor and contributor), The State: Past, Present, Future (2015). An archive of his work can be found at, his personal website.