Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Emrah ÜNALAN Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, METU

“…nanotechnology is the revolution in materials science, this is how we call it…

“Our facilities in METU are similar to the ones all across the world and we have equal opportunities and conduct the same level of research with most of the institutions in U.S., Europe and Asia”


Assist. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Uzol, Director of METU Center for Wind Energy; RÜZGEM

“…Turkey is just at the very beginning stages, but it has set very aggressive goals for the year 2023. Current installed capacity of wind farms is about 1.6 gigawatts in Turkey, but in 2023; which means only 12 years from now, this is planned to be increased up to 20 gigawatts. This is more than 10 times increase. So wind energy investments are exploding in Turkey.”


Prof. Dr. Meryem Beklioğlu Yerli from METU, Biology Department, Limnology Laboratory

Climate warming is a huge challenge that our society will also be affected from through losing freshwaters and their ecosystem services. What we have observed through our monitoring programme on Lakes Eymir & Mogan is that our freshwater lakes in Turkey are at great risk of becoming saline through climate change and it doesn’t take too long to happen; it is like within 3-5 years.



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