ODTÜ TEKNOKENT is ready to support you as the implementing institution on your application to TÜBİTAK BİGG (Bireysel Genç Girişimci) Program providing up to 150.000 TL capital grant.
ODTÜ TEKNOKENT, the first, the most innovative and the most experienced technology park in Turkey, combines its entrepreneurial programs under BİGG TEKNOSTART program in order to help entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneur-candidate, if you want to be your own boss, apply to TEKNOSTART program right now so we can help you to transform your business idea to a successful business model together. We will provide you not only training that you would need but also you can get mentorship, consulting and networking which will carry your journey to success.
Hurry up to be an entrepreneur of ODTÜ TEKNOKENT!
Deadline for application is 3rd of August.
For further information and to apply: www.bigg-teknostart.com