ODTÜ TEKNOKENT is Ranked First in Technology Development Zones 2014 Performance Index
With respect to Technology Development Zones (TDZ) Performance Index which was performed by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, once again ODTU TEKNOKENT ranked as the first with 67,21 points, surpassing all other technology development zones.
Technology Development Zones (TDZ) Performance Index was based on 6 dimensions and 18 parameters, by processing the data received from TDZs. In the first category of the index study covering 37 TDRs; financing, supports, infrastructure, within the second category; R&D projects, incubation services, cooperation and in the third category, IPR, R&D results and internationalisation have been evaluated.
ODTU TEKNOKENT was followed in the first 5 by the following technoparks; İTÜ Arı Teknokent (58,42 points), Bilkent Cyberpark (54,99 points), İzmir Teknopark (53,66 points), and Erciyes Technopark (53,36 points).